Deadlift vs. Squat: Which Is Better?

THE BACK SQUAT and the conventional barbell deadlift are two of the most renowned exercises in the gym for packing on lower body muscle and strength. But, if you had to only pick one, which should you prioritize? “Welcome to the gym equivalent of Godzilla vs. King Kong,” says Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., MH fitness director.

THE BACK SQUAT and the conventional barbell deadlift are two of the most renowned exercises in the gym for packing on lower body muscle and strength. But, if you had to only pick one, which should you prioritize?

“Welcome to the gym equivalent of Godzilla vs. King Kong,” says Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., MH fitness director. “The reality is, both of these movements sit atop of the exercise food chain as moves that challenge multiple large lower body muscle groups, and let us move major weight.”

You won’t always have time for both in your workout, though. The decision of which to prioritize depends on your body type and your goals. You might also find that you’re better at one or the other, so you’ll naturally gravitate toward your strengths.

Here’s why both exercises deserve a slot in your weekly routine—and when you should start to emphasize one over the other.

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How Squats and Deadlifts Are Similar

One thing is for sure: both the squat and deadlift are going to significantly improve your strength. With both exercises, “as long as you’re pushing yourself, you’re using nearly every muscle in your body,” Samuel says.

They also heavily load your spine, which can improve your bone density. But, that also means they’re heavily fatiguing on the central nervous system—meaning you’ll need to plan adequate rest time in between training sets.

How Squats and Deadlifts Are Different

The main difference between the squat and deadlift are the main movers of each lift (a.k.a. the muscle group that drives a majority of the exercise). This will depend on what variation of each exercise is being done, though—a sumo squat is going to utilize a few different muscles than a conventional stance, for example. For the sake of this discussion, let’s focus on the most prevalent variations of each movement: the conventional barbell deadlift and barbell back squat.

The barbell deadlift is a hip-dominant movement. The glutes and hamstrings are the main drivers in pushing to extend the hips. Your big back muscles (lats, rhomboids, and traps) also play a significant role, as you stabilize the spine through the movement.

The barbell back squat is a knee-dominant movement. Your quads, hip adductors, and glutes work together to extend the knees and the hips at the same time. Like the deadlift, your back muscles attribute to the movement as well—your low back extensors shorten at your extend through the hips, and your mid-back muscles work to stabilize the load.

Squats vs. Deadlift: Which Lift to Pick

“In the long term, for strength and physique balance, you’ll want to master and dominate both of these moves,” Samuel says. “But how you prioritize them in your program will change based on your goals and other factors.”

Who Should Prioritize Deadlifts

a man working out on a gym

Men’s Health

If your goal is glute, hamstring, and back gains, the deadlift should take the top spot. Yes, the squat utilizes these muscle groups too, but the deadlift places more of an emphasis through the posterior chain than the squat does.

If your goal is to improve athleticism, the deadlift strengthens muscles that work in the hip extension mechanics that power movements like running and jumping.

The deadlift also generally has more carryover into “real-life” movements, too. Think about how often you bend over to pick up something heavy off the ground, like your groceries. The deadlift trains us for more day-to-day actions you wouldn’t typically think of as exertions of strength.

Who Should Prioritize Back Squats


Men’s Health

If you have a small window of time in the gym but you want to get better at both exercises, prioritize the squat. The squat trains the same muscles you use in the deadlift, but through a greater range of motion, according to Samuel. The strength you build in a squat will carry over into the deadlift. The same will be true for carryover from a deadlift to a squat, but not to the same extent.

Squats will also be superior to the deadlift if your main muscle-building goal is to grow your quads. They’re one of the main movers of knee flexion and extension, which is the chief mechanic in squats.

Many Olympic lifts, like the power clean and snatch, originate in a squat. So if you’re looking to get better at these powerful movements, you’ll want to emphasize the squat in your routine.

Overall, Samuel emphasizes that this should not be a case of only doing one of these exercises on a regular basis. Your emphasis might be a matter of preference—but if you want to be truly strong, you’ll make time for both.

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